General Information
Capital: Kabul
Location: Asia [North: Turkmenistan | East: Pakistan | West: Iran | South: Pakistan]
Area: 647,500 Sq Km
GMT: + 4.5
Currency: 1 U.S. $ = 43.03 Afghanistan Afghani (January 2011)
Population: 29,121,286 (July 2010)
Climate: Dry | Cold Winters | Hot Summers
Languages: Afghan Persian Or Dari | Pashtu | Turkic languages | 30 Minor Languages
GDP: Purchasing Power Parity: $29.81 billion (2010)
Exports: Opium, Fruits & nuts, Hand Woven Carpets, Wool, Cotton, Hides & Pelts, Precious & Semi-Precious Gems
Imports: Capital Goods, Food, Textiles, Petroleum Products
Trademark Filing Requirements
Filing Requirements:
A power of attorney duly notarized and legalized up to the Afghanistan Consulate.
Name and address of the applicant.
Details of the use/registration of the mark in other countries (optional).
Class(s) of goods/services (International Classification).
Prints of the trademark (not required for word marks).
A trademark application can be filed without the legalized power of attorney at the time of filing which can be submitted within three months.
Time Frame:
The approximate time frame for completing the registration process of a trademark is 6 to 9 months.
Please note that no official trademark search is available in Afghanistan. However, if required, we may conduct such searches in one of our associate's private database, but the accuracy of the results cannot be guaranteed.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that our above quotations are all inclusive up to registration and there will be no other charges in normal cases and are only valid for 60 days from the date of this letter. They do not include any charges for courier services, late filing of documents, reporting and responding to official actions, extra publication required by the concerned authority, and may be subject to an increase due to changes in the official fees or exchange rate.
Renewal Requirements:
A power of attorney duly notarized and legalized up to the Afghanistan Consulate.
Copy of the final registration certificate or last renewal certificate.
Kindly be advised that, the validity of the trademark registration in AFGHANISTANis ten years as from the filing date. Thereafter, a trademark registration is renewable for further consecutive periods of ten years each.
The renewal fees of a trademark registration can be paid during the last 12 months of the current protection period.
Requirements for Recordal of Change of name/address/legal status:
A Power of Attorney with the new name/address Duly Legalized & Notarized up to the Afghanistani Consulate.
A document showing the change of name/address issued by the local competent authority and duly legalized up to the Afghanistan Consulate.
Prints of the trademark.
Requirements for Recordal of assignment, merger, or license:
A Power of Attorney Duly Legalized & Notarized up to the Afghanistan Consulate.
Deed of assignment, merger or license Duly Legalized & Notarized up to the Afghanistan Consulate.
The original copy of the latest valid certificate.
Prints of the trademark (or JPEG file) – not required for word marks.
The change of agent name and address is automatically recorded while providing a POA for the service in question at no cost.
The Power of Attorney should be sent to us after attestation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the applicant home country for a local legalization in Kabul locally.
Patent Filing Requirements
Filing Requirement:
Please be advised no statutory laws on patents are in force in Afghanistan. Consequently it is not possible to file patent applications.
At present, as the only available way of protection and to provide relatively a remedy for the said legal vacuum, we advise all our clients to publish a Cautionary Notice in the local Newspaper(s) in the English Language.
The Cautionary Notice stating that such and such invention related to a particular matter belongs to such and such inventors/company. Although the publications of cautionary notices are not registered in any official registers, and it is only an advertisement but it could be a base for claiming priority right in the future when the patent law comes in force in the country. Therefore the publication should be in detail, and not in a short form. If it is published in short form, it may not serve the priority purposes.
There are no specific requirements for publication of Cautionary Notices in Afghanistan, however the basic information needed are as follows:
Full name and address of the applicant(s);
Full name and address of the inventor(s);
Softcopy of the specification;
Softcopy of the drawings;
Softcopy of the claims; and
Softcopy of Abstract.