Required Documents for Domain Protection.
Domain Name Applications
Kindly note the following requirements if you are interested in registering a domain name in Arabic ".misr" in Egypt during Sunrise Phase 2 which last until November 25, 2010.
Copy of the Commercial Register "copy" (This can be a foreign copy and does not need to be from Egypt, however, it must match the domain) If the domain does not match the name on the Commercial Register, then a copy of the certificate of registration of a valid trademark in Arabic whether filed in Egypt or through WIPO).
A Power of Attorney Legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate "we need the original".
Signed Request letter print out on the formal company paper(company letterhead) "original".
Sunrise Phase Three 3 (The date has not been specified yet): More requirements still to be announced.
.com.eg (Commercial Sites)
Application Form (can be submitted by mail, email or fax).
Signed Power of Attorney (Legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate) (Original is required by mail)
A letter requesting the domain name registration (On official letterhead) (Original is required by mail)
Copy of the Commercial registration certificate or any commercial reference of the client that can be submitted by e-mail or fax.
If the domain does not match the company name, you must provide official documents to prove that the domain belongs to the company.
.name.eg (Name of Persons)
Application Form (can be submitted by mail, email or fax).
Copy of the Client's ID
Notarized Power of Attorney
Domain Names - Applicants
MBO shall entertain no legal obligation to screen requested domain names to determine whether the use of a domain name by the applicant may infringe upon the right(s) of a third party. Consequently, granting a request to register a domain name is conditioned upon the applicant's acceptance of the following provisions:
* The applicant shall bear the responsibility of obtaining legal permission to use the domain name which means that the use or registration of the domain name by the applicant does not interfere with or infringe upon the right of any third party in any jurisdiction with respect to trademark, trade name, company name, or any other intellectual property right. And it is the applicant's responsibility to secure a trade name or such in order to protect his right to the chosen name.
* The applicant shall agree that the domain name will be used only by him and is not registered for the purpose of letting other entities use it whether by selling, renting or just giving it away for free. Doing so will result in the immediate revocation of domains owned by the violating party.
* The applicant shall certify that, to the best of his knowledge, the domain name is not being registered for any activities/purposes prohibited by the Egyptian Law.
* The applicant shall certify that, all information contained in the submitted Official Letter and Application Form are complete, correct, true and accurate.
* The applicant shall agree to inform MBO of any changes, amendments or corrections to the information provided in the Application Form as soon as such changes, amendments or corrections occur.
* Any notices and notifications required to be given under this regulation by MBO to the applicant shall be deemed to have been given if delivered in accordance with the provided contact information.
* The applicant shall be aware that the information provided to MBO in relation to a domain name such as the Registrant's name, telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail address and other contact persons' details will be publicly accessible.