National Organization for Military Production A.R.E

In a significant investigation concerning automotive parts authenticity, our firm identified a sophisticated counterfeiting operation targeting Egypt's National Organization for Military Production's bearing components. The case centers on the organization's authentic Helwan Bearings (HD 909), manufactured in Egypt under strict quality control standards, which faced unauthorized replication through counterfeit Chetak Bearings produced in India. The comparative analysis reveals deliberate attempts to mimic the authentic product's distinctive packaging elements, including the strategic placement of red circular logos and similar layout designs. However, clear differentiating markers emerge in the branding elements and origin declarations, with the genuine product bearing the "Helwan Bearings" mark and Egyptian manufacturing origin versus the counterfeit's "Chetak Bearings" designation and Indian source indication. This case underscores the critical importance of robust intellectual property protection frameworks and the necessity of vigilant anti-counterfeiting measures in preserving industrial standards and market integrity.

Indian Counterfeit Product

Egyptian Authentic Product


Smoking Papers Seizure