Safeguarding Innovation:  Maddock & Bright’s  unwavering commitment to  ethical excellence in IP law.

The Trademark Lawyer / Magazine Article / Download Link

In celebration of their approaching 75th anniversary, Maddock & Bright  express their dedication to the protection of innovation throughout the  Mena region. 

Maddock & Bright IP Law Office is a  unique law firm. It is ranked amongst  the most professional law firms in  Egypt, long-established for 74 years, specializing  in the protection of Intellectual & Industrial  Property Rights in Egypt, the Middle East, and  North Africa. The firm fills a market gap by cleverly combining services in the field of intellectual  property law and market entry support. Maddock & Bright provides customized and comprehensive services catered to the specific needs of foreign  companies and law firms in the Mena Zone.  In the dynamic realm of intellectual property  law, where innovation meets legal protection,  Maddock & Bright stands as a beacon of unwavering commitment to ethics, core values, and a client centric service. Renowned for delivering tailored  and all-encompassing services finely tuned to  the specific needs of foreign companies, the  firm stands as a pivotal entity in serving a  diverse clientele. As a leading IP law firm in the  world, Maddock & Bright safeguards the interests of its clients and upholds a distinctive set of  core values that sets it apart in the competitive  landscape. At the heart of the firm’s mission is a  belief in the transformative power of intellectual  property. As guardians of innovation, the firm actively contributes to the creation of an environment  where groundbreaking ideas can flourish.  Maddock & Bright leverages its expansive  scale, diversity, and cutting-edge technological  tools to provide comprehensive legal services  to foreign companies and law firms. The firm  combines its existing expertise with aggressive  management and expansion tactics to bring a  wider range of integrated legal solutions and a  greater regional footprint to the legal field. 

The Essence of Maddock &  Bright’s Core Values 

At the heart of Maddock & Bright’s ethos lies a  deep-rooted commitment to ethical practices.  The firm recognizes the transformative power of  intellectual property and understands the  pivotal role it plays in shaping the world. In an  industry where ethics can be challenged, Maddock & Bright places integrity at the forefront, ensuring  that every legal solution provided aligns seam lessly with the highest standards of professional  code of conduct, ethics, and clients’ privilege.  Maddock & Bright’s dedication to its core values,  including transparency, accountability, integrity,  and client satisfaction, forms the core of its  success. Maddock & Bright sees its role not just  as protecting the interests of clients but as a  safeguard to the very fabric of innovation that  drives societal advancement.  

Maddock & Bright’s core values are guiding  principles that shape every facet of the firm’s  operations. At the core is a profound commitment to integrity, which permeates through every  interaction, decision, and strategy employed and  implemented by the firm. This commitment to  ethical conduct is not just an ideal but a funda 

mental pillar that upholds the trust bestowed  upon Maddock & Bright and their clients.  Transparency forms the cornerstone of the  firm’s approach, as Maddock & Bright believes  that open communication is essential for fostering trust. Clients are kept informed at every step of  the legal process, ensuring a collaborative  relationship that goes beyond the traditional  attorney-client dynamic. This dedication to  transparency reflects Maddock & Bright’s belief  that informed clients are empowered clients. 

Accountability is another pillar that supports  Maddock & Bright’s commitment to excellence.  The firm takes responsibility for its actions,  ensuring that clients receive not just legal  solutions but a sense of security in knowing that  their intellectual property concerns are handled  with the utmost care and diligence. In an industry  often characterized by complexity, Maddock  & Bright stands out for its straightforward,  accountable, and client-centric approach. 

Preserving global innovation:  Maddock & Bright’s crucial role in  safeguarding intellectual property  Maddock & Bright’s philosophy recognizes  the global challenge of enforcement. The firm  possesses strategic and tactical tools that  enable the effective execution of court orders.  The absence of vigorous Intellectual Property  (IP) enforcement can have profound and far reaching implications for global innovation,  economic stability, and societal progress. 

Offering tailored services designed to meet  the specific demands of foreign companies and  law firms entering the Middle East and North  African Market, the firm delivers a meticulously  customized and comprehensive array of services. 

Utilizing diverse expertise and a state-of-the-art  technological capability, Maddock & Bright  offers comprehensive legal assistance to foreign legitimate IP rights holders and foreign companies seeking protection and/or enforcement in the  Mena region.  


As a managing partner at Maddock & Bright IP Law offices, overseeing  operations in Egypt and several Mena region countries, Abdel  Wahab Moustafa assures the development of Maddock & Bright IP  Law Office (MBO), the management of a team of patent, trademark,  design attorneys, lawyers, and translators. Mr. Moustafa’s legal  strategies, including administrative and court proceedings, undercover  investigations, and border seizures, have enhanced MBO’s credibility.  He is responsible for managing investigators focused on disrupting  the production and distribution of counterfeit goods and prosecuting  counterfeit purveyors, trademark and copyright enforcement, and  anti-diversion strategies. He collaborated with the Japanese Patent  Office on a project titled, “Data Bank for Intellectual Property  Information from Emerging Nations”, and authored articles on IP in  Egypt and the Mena region. Notable works include Copyright Law in  Egypt, Patent Enforcement in Morocco, Trade Secrets Protection in  Egypt, and Fatal Pill. Mr. Moustafa’s multifaceted expertise, strategic  leadership, and many contributions to international intellectual  property initiatives underscore his pivotal role in shaping Maddock &  Bright’s success in the dynamic landscape of legal practice.  

According to the above and beyond conventional and traditional practices of IP law  firms, we have extended specialized services  that encompass, but are not limited to:  

  1. Custom proceedings  

  2. White-collar crimes  

  3. Investigation and undercover operation 

  4. Trademark use and non-use investigation 

  5. Online monitoring and takedowns 

  6. Track and trace procedures  

  7. IP survey  

  8. Tests purchases (online & offline)  9. Company research  

  9. Surveillance  

  10. Factory/Warehouse findings  

  11. Raid support  

  12. Anti-counterfeiting program  management 

  13. Police customs cooperation  

  14. Police customs training  

  15. Civil and criminal prosecution  

Gray market investigation services: Gray market pirated/counterfeit/infringed  products are costing manufacturers millions of  currency losses annually and it eventually may  decrease the longevity of the original market.  Maddock & Bright’s investigators deliver an  extensive range of services and advice on brand  protection, enforcement, and vital IP matters.  The firm understands the value of brands and  goes to great efforts to protect them.  Maddock & Bright IP investigators can conduct  investigations to obtain concrete evidence, identify  sellers/resellers, and undertake critical issues. 

Smoking Papers Seizure

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Our Strategy: 

• Market survey to locate the stock and to  find the supply chain; 

• Finding the network of counterfeiters  broadly; 

• Sample/trap purchases to collect  samples; 

• Extensive research on interval schedules 

“Maddock & Bright’s  investigators deliver an  extensive  range of  services  and advice  on brand  protection,  enforcement,  and vital IP  matters.  “to know the status of the level of gray  marketing products.”

The firm can also locate witnesses and set up  undercover operations wherever required to get  into the nerves of the supply and manufacturing  chain.  

Parallel trade investigation services: 

Maddock & Bright’s IP investigators understand  the problem of parallel trade which is a growing  issue in the field of violation of IP rights. Only the  owner of the IP rights can use the trademark to  sell their products, but in the case of parallel  trading, the firm investigates from the  manufacturers to retailer and seller to find the  loopholes while manufacturing the products.  The firm considers doubts about the  manufacturing of the product but on the other  hand, it also doubts or expects the counterfeiters  to manufacture the price caps and stickers to  make the products seem as genuine as  possible. Maddock & Bright conducts their  investigations on the following factors: 

• Identifying the chain from the seller to  reseller, to collect evidence to expose the  legal manufacturers or illegal  manufacturers; 

• Sample/trap purchases to collect  samples; 

• Conducting market surveys to identify the  counterfeiting stock; 

• Identifying counterfeit or infringing  products on the internet; 

• Network of counterfeiters. 

Maddock & Bright’s services are customized  and tailored to address the specific situations at  hand, providing solutions to uncover the truth of  the real scenario and safeguard brands from  potential violations.  

Protecting the world:  A distinguished mission, countering counterfeiting through strategic investigation and  undercover operation.

Lack of IP protection contributes to an environment where counterfeit products and unauthorized use of intellectual property thrive. This not only  erodes the market share of legitimate businesses but also hampers economic growth, creating  economic disparities on a global scale. Counterfeiting and unauthorized use of intellectual  property can flood the market with substandard  or potentially harmful products. In this arena  fraught with challenges, Maddock & Bright not  only serves as a guardian of intellectual property  

It is important to note that there is a major  global impact of counterfeiting, a menace that  undermines the industries and economies of  our world. The Anti-Counterfeiting Department  at Maddock & Bright takes a formidable stance  against this threat. By employing a combination  of legal expertise and strategic foresight, the  firm actively combats the proliferation of  counterfeit goods, contributing to the creation of  a safer and more authentic marketplace through a strategic anti-counterfeiting management program,  an investigation management program, and an  enforcement management program to support  and assist Maddock & Bright’s litigation department in combatting counterfeiting effectively.  

How can your investigators support your litigators? 

It is worth mentioning that working as a private  investigator is not relaxing, the journey is not  always easy because they often have to deal  with several types of activities and carry out  such investigations locally & internationally,  which is a difficult task to perform for a lawyer  and/or investigator if she or he are not well  experienced and with very specific personal  skills and/or a law enforcement background. 

The Anti-Counterfeiting Department  and Investigation & Undercover Operation

“Maddock &  Bright’s IP investigators understand the problem of parallel trade which is a growing issue in the field of violation of  IP rights.”

Internal Support  Department: 

• Database: to build a proactive, systematic,  and collaborative process; 

• Understand the finance, economy, and  how business works; 

• Know enough about intellectual property  to perform necessary field work and  gather evidence; 

• Have a team with a law enforcement and/ or governmental procedures background; 

• Efficient team for non-field work; 

• Acting as the bridge between the Legal,  Marketing, Sales Departments, and/or  Security Departments. 

Practical step (external support)

• Identify who can do the undercover work;

• Support of local units is mandatory; 

• Eyes and ears in the market; 

• Support of our undercover operation by  local units; 

• Track & trace; 

• The game plan, activity, etc., is the who,  what, where, when, and how. 

In this regard, with the steadfast support of  the Egyptian government, the Managing Partner  of Maddock & Bright, Mr. Abdel Wahab Moustafa, who leads a dedicated investigation team, has  been closely monitoring and addressing various  counterfeiting activities in Egypt and/or facilitated through Egypt for numerous years. The dedicated investigation team has actively been managing  substantial counterfeiting cases, notably in pharmaceuticals, vehicle spare parts, agrochemicals,  and tobacco. In this respect, Mr. Moustafa  has successfully collaborated with the relevant  Egyptian authorities to devise solutions related  to counterfeit products. This strategic initiative  empowers the firm to comprehensively control  international counterfeiting activities through a  systematic track and trace process. This was  established years ago and was implemented  with great success in the recent years of COVID  through the collaboration between the Investigation and Undercover Operation Department, the  Anti-counterfeiting Department, and as well as  the support of the local units together with the  cooperation of the concerned authorities.  

The Investigation and Undercover Operation  Department at the firm employs cutting-edge  techniques to unearth potential threats to  intellectual property. This proactive approach  ensures that clients’ innovations remain shielded 

from any potential harm. The Investigation and  Undercover Operation Department is a testament to the firm’s proactive beliefs, employing unique  strategies to identify and neutralize potential  threats to intellectual property and counterfeit  goods. By remaining ahead of the curve, Maddock & Bright consistently secures its clients’ innovations from unforeseen risks. The commitment to  innovation protection is ingrained in the firm’s  ethos and is exemplified by the dynamic efforts  of its Investigation and Undercover Operation  Department in preserving the integrity of intel 

Intellectual property in a rapidly evolving world.  A vital arm of the firm, Maddock and Bright’s  Anti-Counterfeiting Department and the Investigation and Undercover Operation Department  adopt a strong position not only against the  spread of counterfeit goods, but also support  and aid the Litigation Department in a strategic  manner in their case buildings to enable them  to set up all the clients’ cases in an organized  manner to leverage and maximize the likelihood  of success. Recognizing the global impact of  counterfeiting on industries and economies, the  firm employs strategic measures to combat this  threat head-on, contributing to a safer and more  authentic marketplace. 

“Maddock  & Bright  not only  protects  your ideas  but fosters  a legacy  that  redefines  industries  and inspires  future  generations  of  innovators.” 

Choosing Maddock & Bright:  a collaborative partnership In a world where progress relies on innovation,  Maddock & Bright stands forth as a reliable  partner. Beyond legal expertise, the firm’s distinct core values create a cooperative relationship  with clients. The collaborative relationship ensures that the innovative spirit continues to thrive,  safeguarded by a legal team that is not proficient but passionately dedicated to preserving the  integrity of intellectual property. Maddock &  Bright stands as a beacon of ethical excellence  in the realm and field of intellectual property  law. Through its unwavering commitment to  transparency, accountability, and client satisfaction, the firm not only protects the interests of clients  but actively contributes to safeguarding  innovations on a global scale. In a world that needs guardians of intellectual property, Maddock &  Bright emerges as a formidable force, standing  tall on a fortress of ethics, innovation, and legal  ability. The firm upholds its guiding motto of  “trust, consistency, and commitment is who we  are” as a foundational belief. Maddock & Bright  is committed to embodying justice in our daily  lives, advocating not only for our clients but also  for our communities, our fellow individuals, and  the future caretakers of our planet. 

Maddock & Bright is not just a law firm – they  are strategic partners in safeguarding innovation  and creativity. Their passion lies in navigating the  dynamic world of intellectual property with a  blend of expertise, innovation, and unwavering  commitment. Maddock & Bright not only protects your ideas but fosters a legacy that redefines  industries and inspires future generations of  innovators.  


Egypt, the first Arab African country in the world to be appointed as ISA/IPEA under the Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT